Sunday, August 31, 2008

Slow or Fast Ways on How to Get Rich

Publisher: Earl Williams
The NetMarketer

Many people want to know how to get rich and often times, they want virtually instant gratification. Unfortunately, accumulating wealth takes time and effort as well as sacrifice and risk. The Warren Buffets and Bill Gates' of the world did not make their fortunes in a day but rather it took years of hard work and risk to pull it off.

Fast Way to Get Rich

If you want to know how to get rich fast, you must be prepared to gamble a bit on the stock market. Discretionary income is needed here so you do not totally risk your 401k or other investment portfolio items. While most financial advisors say to diversify to spread the risk, you must concentrate your money on a few stocks to grab a larger pay-off. This is risky, but can earn big bucks quickly if the market is in your favor.

Don't stick with name brands on the stock market. If you want to know how to get rich fast, look to lesser-known companies that have revenues that are continually growing, at least 15-20% per year. Look for trends in emerging markets. While some stocks may not be hot right now but the market forecasts potential growth, invest and watch your money grow. Environmentally friendly companies are big business these days whereas they weren't just ten years ago.

The Slow Route to Riches

Look into the things you spend money on in your everyday life and find ways to cut back. This is the slow way on how to get rich. There is always a cheaper alternative for such things as automobile insurance, cell phone rates, cable, food and even electricity.

Trim your insurance by raising your deductible or changing parameters in the policy. And do you really need that fancy Blackberry with Internet access and emailing capability? Save on electricity by choosing a balanced billing method. Clip coupons and look for sales with double coupon rates in grocery stores to save money. Do you really need all of those cable movie channels when you are only home long enough one-day a week to take advantage of all the selections?

If you want to know how to get rich, track all of your expenses and see where you money goes each month. You would be amazed that by employing some of the tips above, you could save hundreds of dollars each month. And you know what you can do with that saved money? Put it in a savings account earning at least 3% interest with an online FDIC-backed bank. Let that money grow and keep adding to it.

Keep in mind that some of the ideas on how to get rich should not be implemented if they could potentially undermine facets of your life. For example, if you had to purchase your own health insurance, do not skimp on such things as short or long-term disability. Life is a crap shoot and if paying a few extra bucks a month is the difference between supporting your family five years down the road when you are injured and cannot work versus banking a few extra dollars now, go for the path that takes care of your family needs first.

You may republish this article in its entirety, provided you leave the byline, author's note and website hyperlink intact.

About The Author:
Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who is making money with his SFI marketing business, which is one of the largest Affiliate programs on the Internet. He makes it easy for anyone to build their ideal online business and earn a substantial income from home. Learn how to start your ideal business and start making money online by visiting his website:

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