Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What Is The Best Rated Home Based Business?

Copyright: Earl Williams
The NetMarketer

Interestingly enough, the answer is not a “what” so much as a “how.” In other words, any home based business will be considered the best rated by a certain segment of users – usually the ones who have figured out how to turn a profit – while others will give the same business opportunity a cold thumbs down. The reason for this rating is not the fact that the business itself is not sustainable, cannot be marketed, or has too high of a start up cost, but instead usually an individual or group of individuals have not been able to make it work for them.

For this reason it is important to be highly selective when choosing a home business opportunity. The business must be something you like, enjoy doing, and can stand behind. For example, if you decide to sell blue-green algae, you need to honestly and truly believe in the product, its benefits, and versatility, while also being familiar with its production, origin, and future applications. If you cannot get excited about blue-green algae, then you should not try to sell it, since the only thing folks will see is your credibility – or lack thereof – not the great product that sells itself.

Incidentally, you can see this scenario played out time and again on a car lot where some salespeople will rake in the sales left and right while others seem to perpetually get the “just looking” crowd. It is not so much the luck of the draw as the ability of the salesperson to exude confidence, knowledge, and excitement about the product at hand. Whom would want to buy a car from – the person who is pleasant but vague about the ones on the lot, who needs to consult the sales literature to give you the benefits of a given make and model, and who needs to incessantly check in with her or his manager for deals, or the one who can engage you with their own excitement about the benefits of the car, the way it accelerates, the wonderful paint options, the silence of the road when you are nestled inside the seats, and the incredibly low price?

The same is true for any product that you see online. Whether it is blue-green algae, vitamins, credit cards, vacations, or credit counseling – you need to know your product inside an out, stand behind it, love it, know its benefits, and engage your audience.

For this reason it is somewhat futile to look for the best rated home based business, since that which will work for others may not work for you. What good would the rating do, if blue-green algae are simply not something that interests you? It does not matter how many people have made money from it, if it is not your passion, the odds are against you. So instead of ratings, look for business opportunities that interest you, which speak to you, which you can see yourself pursuing not only now but also in the long run!

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About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
The NetMarketer


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