Sunday, April 16, 2006

Website’s Success

The Key to Your Website’s Success

Copyright: Earl Williams

You’ve finished your website. Whether it’s dedicated to your home business or your favorite rock band, it’s complete and you’re rather proud of it. It’s informational, user friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. You’ve even peppered your website with the appropriate keywords to help attract visitors. Your next task is promoting your website.

Promoting your website may seem like a daunting task at first. You expect the traffic to just roll in; after all, who wouldn’t want to read all the wonderful things you have to say, or take advantage of all the awesome services you can provide? However, there are millions of websites out there, so effectively promoting your website is a key part in its success.

There are many websites out there that will help in promoting your website for a fee. Yet, there are also many ways you can promote your website yourself for free. Do you send out a lot of emails, or belong to several web forums and discussion groups? If so, consider developing a signature file. This short tag at the end of your letter or post can contain business and contact information such as your name, your business name, your telephone and/or fax number, and your website address. You can even include a catch phrase to lure people into visiting your website.

Look into submitting your website to all the major search engines, such as Yahoo! and Google. There are also free websites out there that help you in promoting your website for free, such as Website Launch Pad. Also, consider adding a blog to your website and submitting your address to blog search sites and directories as well as creating RSS feeds. Visit for a list of websites and RSS directories to help you in submitting your blog. If you comment often on another blog, make sure to include your signature file at the end. Other readers will see your website address and visit.

Try hooking up with other webmasters; they may be interested in promoting your website on their own if you agree to advertise their website on yours in return.

Each of these is an effective tool in promoting your website; together, their benefits are even better. Remember, websites that are informational, user friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and keyword rich are going to gain, and retain, the most traffic.

If you are looking for an inexpensive (think free) way to promote your website and your business, thus increase traffic and sales, consider promoting your website with keyword articles.

By promoting your website with keyword articles, you can get the link, or address, to your website circulating the Internet very quickly—in places where the content is relevant to your website! It’s simple—perform a search for sites that accept articles for free and make sure these sites will offer a live link back to your website. Choose the sites that accept articles that will be related to your own website. A good place to start is Free Sticky which offers a chance to submit articles, use their articles as content for your website, and advertise with them; however, you will find many other sites that accept articles. Browse through them and find the ones which accept articles that best relate to the content of your website.

Next, get started writing your articles. Make sure they are rich with keywords that are relevant to not only the topic, but your website as well. Do not worry about writing tons of articles at first—you can write one article and submit the same one to several different sites that accept articles. Once you get the hang of it, you can write more articles and branch out with different—yet pertinent—topics. Remember, you can send your articles to various different websites, thus getting use out of each article more than once.

Promoting your website with keyword articles is inexpensive, quick and easy, especially if you enjoy writing. Everyone needs content for their websites, and many people use free content articles just for that purpose. Check into sites that accept articles about topics relevant to your website, write your articles, submit them, and wait for the traffic and sales of your website to increase.

You may republish this article in its entirety, provided you leave the byline, author's note and website hyperlink intact.

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