Publisher: Earl Williams
The Affiliate Mini Mall
It is a common misconception that if you build a website, the traffic will come. The process from building to profit making takes a little more elbow grease than that. Website advertising is important.
Advertising gets the word out about who you are and what you are selling, whether it is goods or services. On the Internet, your site is one of thousands. To have a fighting chance, use every means available to you to advertise.
Website advertising can be done online. The Internet is a virtual reality. Think of each website as a different store. Some stores you like to go in and some you haven’t had a need to visit. But, if you saw some catchy ads for other stores while you were shopping, you might be inclined to visit them.
Since you want to advertise what you are selling, you’ll need to find a place online where that is possible. Choose sites that have something in common with your product but are not in direct competition with your market. Most sites sell advertising space as a way of making extra revenue.
Consider affiliate programs. You can advertise on sites where you will be noticed and do the same for others. As you grow, consider Google Ad Words for your own site to make some money and promote similar sites.
Make use of your signature line in emails. Include your business website address and a tagline in addition to your name. Now, anyone who gets email from you will know where to find your website. Your main purpose is to keep your website, and thus your products, in the forefront of everyone’s mind. Chances are people will visit you if they see the address everywhere they look.
Along that same line, you can advertise offline for online businesses. When you create your business cards, be sure to add your website address and in the same size font as the other pertinent information. It is easy to log on to the Internet in the office, at home, or at a cyber café and see what is going on at your website.
In fact, people would rather have a website address than a telephone number. A telephone number conjures up visions of someone with an annoying voice trying to pressure you into buying something. On the Internet, people can satisfy their curiosity without any strings attached. In that way, a website provides an excellent advertising opportunity.
The competition on the Internet is stiff. Each website is clamoring for their piece of the market right along with you. To increase your traffic, you have to stand above the rest. One way to do this is to advertise your website as often and in as many places as you can. But, not just any places — appropriate on and offline venues your potential customers will see.
About the Publisher: Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who is making money with his online marketing business using some of the largest Affiliate programs on the Internet. He uses the affiliate programs to setup where you can fine discount shopping along with great coupon deals. To learn more visit: