My Power Mall
If you own your very own Online Shopping Mall with 1000+ stores and millions of products, Besides the fact that you can save money through Shopping Rebates, as well as make money through the Shopping Rebate System, what are the benefits? Good question!
1 - Let’s start with the fact that you have your own Hot Shopping Alert Team working for you. Really! We have an entire team of people scouring our Mall for you daily – looking for the very best deals available – ensuring you will save as much money as possible when you are purchasing the everyday items you need and want. You will receive notification of these deals on a daily basis, ensuring that not only you – but also everyone on your team – will benefit from shopping on MY POWER MALL.
2 – Save Gas. This one is a no-brainer. If you don’t have to drive to buy something, you just saved money.
3 – Save Time. This should be a no-brainer as well. If you don’t have to leave your house and drive to the store, wait in line, or deal with traffic – you’ve saved a lot of time. Time you can spend doing something you enjoy a lot more!
4 – Save Money. You can often find great deals online that you can’t find in the stores. Why? Because the store doesn’t have the same expense of a retail “brick & mortar” location, sales people, etc. They’re just shipping things from a warehouse. They are able to pass the savings on to the consumer – YOU!
5 – Things delivered right to your door. Our Founder, Ginny Dye, experienced this first hand during a huge snow storm in November of 2006. She was preparing to leave on a 3 week trip and had gone on her Mall to order luggage, shoes, and clothing. She was thrilled with her savings but began to be nervous about whether they would be delivered. She couldn’t leave her house because of the snowy roads and most local businesses were closed. 2 days before she was to leave, right on time, a UPS truck equipped with chains, came rumbling down her road and delivered big boxes full of her purchases – right to her door!
6 – Always the right size & color. Instead of going to the store and discovering they don’t have the size & color you want, or they are sold out of that model, etc., you will have access to their entire warehouse!
7– Reduce Greenhouse Emissions. Yes, we here at MPM are committed to preserving our environment. Online shopping will put fewer cars on the road, thus fewer carbon emissions into our atmosphere. And that can only be a good thing!
Stay home, click through 1000 stores, buy what you want and make money!
Knowing the power of your Mall will also help you build your business. One of our members told us about this experience.
I was hanging out in Office Max, waiting for some copying to be done, and decided to walk around the store. I discovered a man looking at computers. “Are you going to buy a computer”? Once I was standing in the computer section, it was easy to start up a conversation.
“Yes, I’m thinking about getting this one here.”
“Wow! Nice computer.” I paused. “Can I ask you a question?” When the man nodded, she continued. “Did you know if you bought that online, that you wouldn’t have to pay sales tax?”
“Yeah. On that computer your sales tax would be over $100. There is also a good chance you would pay less for it since you’re buying it online. And did you know that if you bought it from Office Max you also wouldn’t have to pay shipping since it’s over $50.00? They’ll deliver it right to your door.”
“Great.” The man paused. “Why are you telling me all this?”
“Well, I just happen to have my very own online mall. Office Max is one of my stores, but there are 1000 more. My Mall was completely free. I can give you a special VIP Invitation Card that will allow you to get your own for free as well. Would you like one?”
“Sure! Thanks!”
I filled out a card for him, gave it to him, picked up my printing and left. Later that day I checked my Business Reports and sure enough, there he was. I called him to welcome him to my team and he told me how grateful he was!
If you’re wondering how many people actually shop online, let’s take a look at that…
• $107 BILLION $$ were spent online in 2006
• 79% of all people using the Internet bought something online last year.
Online shopping topped $65 billion in 2004. Two years later it was $107 Billion. That’s TREMENDOUS growth!
Online shopping is becoming more and more commonplace. It has been predicted that U.S. online shoppers will double to 132 million in the next five years. With today's hectic schedules, people need a way to save time, and shopping online is a way to do this. In a recent study, it was found that 19% of Internet users shop online once per week and this number is expected to continue to grow.
How much more motivated would people be to shop online if they made money every time they shop? Are you beginning to understand just how powerful MY POWER MALL really is? You are in the right place at the right time, with the most technologically advanced Shopping Mall on the Internet. And it’s all-FREE! It simply doesn’t get any better than that!
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About the Publisher:
Earl Williams will show you how to build an online business from your own home. He will give you a verity of business to choose from. You can learn more by visiting: My Power Mall